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Jun 19, 2008

How did that happen?

I've seldom had much opportunity to travel or go on vacations in my lifetime, in my opinion. However, when I did go, there was never really anything I missed from back home, other than my TV and the programs I had recorded and which were waiting for me to watch.

Over the years, I've had various friends come visit me from different locations who were mothers of young children. At some point during the visit, it often would come out that they missed their kids. How could that be? I never understood that. I fully understood how much work kids are, how they take up every minute of your time, often leaving their parents with very tired (from a lack of sleep), and struggling to hold onto any iota of patience. I figured the vacation to visit me had to be heaven on earth for their tired stress out moms, since they could relax and have a good time. Yes, the moms always did enjoy their time with me, however....so many times, at some point they would really miss their kids. I couldn't understand that. How could they miss their kids when they are spoiling themselves and taking a break from all the responsibility and stress.

Now we come to the present time period. The last two weeks I've been more involved with my little 2 and 3 year old great niece and nephew. I do get fairly involved in their lives now, just living here. However, most times I head off to work in the morning and live my life. Since school got out, I'm around home more. Added to that, practically the first day I was really out of school, my niece suffered an abrupted placenta. Long story short, she isn't supposed to lift more than a gallon of milk. With me living here and out of school, all of a sudden I'm able to help a whole lot more. I started going places with the kids, whether it's to their daddy's shop, then out to lunch, or running errands or what not, while Jaimee stayed home and took care of herself like the doctor ordered. Even if I'm not doing stuff with the kids alone, I sometimes go with her and the kids just to help get the kids in and out of the car and etc. I may be tagging along, just to help, but I I enjoy the company. Sometimes, I'm just here at home, ready to help and hang out. I think you get the story. The kids have become an even bigger part of my life. Going all the places with them, running errands and etc, and I almost feel like I get to "play Mom" at times.

Last night I started thinking about the trip coming up in less than a week to Illinois and Wisconsin. I will be gone for slightly more than a week. OK, got the picture folks? Big trip coming up? Grand adventure! Doing something I've never done before! Whoo hoo! So what did I catch myself thinking. "Oh my gosh I'm going to be gone for over a week, how can I be away from the kids for that long?" or, "I'm going to miss them soooooo much." All of a sudden a mental whiplash occurred causing me to then say to myself, "How did that happen?" "How did I start to miss little kids so much I almost don't want to leave them?" "Whoa!"

Gratitude Entry: Ain't life grand! How lucky can I get? I'm a 50 year old single woman, never had an attachment in my life, since I left home at 17. Now, here I am, with loved ones so much a part of my life that I'm actually going to miss them! I'm going on a grand adventure and I'm going to miss them!! Wow! I'm so lucky to have the sweet little ones to love and the joy I have in so many special moments. Today, after napping downstairs in my "chair", Dalia ended up wanting me to go with her upstairs to lie down in her bed, under the covers to warm up and sleep (my basement is COLD). We lay there, we giggled and laughed together, her showing the joy of a child! Oh, nirvana! How much better can life get. I'm eternally grateful. Finally, I understand a mom who miss a child, despite getting rest and relaxation! I'm so grateful for all the precious moments I get with these little ones!


Anonymous said...

What a blessing you are there for them! What a cool experience to miss loved ones. There is no place like home!!!

Cami said...

oooooh, how great for you to be with those kids!!!!! Tell Jaimee we love her, sorry about her rupture. I wish we were closer to be of more help, they are lucky to have you so close!!!

lamiss ibrahim said...
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