Adventurous old broads, ain't we? We didn't stop there! Three of us went for a ride on the Tower of Terror! Here, we are again, being dropped out of the sky! :)

I tried to take a picture at one point in the day, and all I got was "tired old ladies" pictures! Don't you agree?

Being a polite photographer, wanting to help the ladies be at their best, I politely said the time worn photographer's phrase, "Smile!" Tired ladies no longer! They look alive! :)

I couldn't resist adding this picture of three of us posing with the letter "A"! If you notice, I'm sitting on the ground here! That in itself is a minor miracle. It wasn't until this last year that I dared to sit on the ground. There was a time I couldn't make it up off the ground without someone on each side of me lifting me up, taking great care to not touch on my bad knee on the way up. Plopping onto the ground to fit in the picture with my friends is a victory of sorts!

Disneyland and California Adventures wore me out! However, there were so many victories in the day, that I'm glad I went. Victories: 1) Being able to spend the day on my feet without too much difficulty. 2) Being able to walk miles and miles, no oxygen in sight. 3) Being able to keep up with the group and walking fast. I used to always lag behind everyone and it nearly killed me to try and walk faster. 4) Being able to fit in all the rides!
Are you glad you had the opportunity to scream on California screaming? Also, I had no idea how tired I look in that photo of the "3 on bench".
Loved the post!! I totally understand--from first-hand experience-- the 'before-and-after-weight-loss' experiences!!! I'm so glad you got to go to Disneyland! Great photos too!
After years and years --years of being too large and too embarrassed to try to fit into the rides--I got a season pass last year. It was great exercise! I used it as an excuse to walk a few miles... just not around my neighborhood!
Hey--tell me about your knee. Is it OK now? Mine is not, unfortunately! (Maybe it's because I still have 45 pounds to go...)
(Love Tower of Terror! And Soaring Over California! )
Diane, that's why I thought the picture of you was so funny! Notice how the next picture, you brightened right up and looked less tired?
Narice, how lucky you are to be able to live close enough to have a season pass. If I lived in the area, I think I would do that myself, just for all the exercise. My knee is ok if I don't walk too much! It is bone on bone, and one day will need to be replaced. After all the walking I did in Anaheim, all the walking in Disneyland and etc. it did hurt quite a bit! It took a couple of days of rest before it felt better, afer returning home. However, it's not as painful as it used to be walking a short distance carrying an extra 225 lbs! So, that's all good. Good luck on your 45 pounds. You should be able to walk it off on your season pass this summer!
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