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Sep 22, 2008

My new favorite heroine!

OK guys, I just got through watching the first half of Dancing with the Stars! I can't believe Cloris Leachman, at 82 years old is competing! 82! She was so funny, putting her leg up on Bruno's desk, kneeling in front of Len, and sitting on Carrie's lap! I want to be as vital, energetic and willing to be me at 82 years old! I'm sure she could think about a lot of reasons for someone her age not to do this. Apparently she has a "can do" attitude and is willing to live life with no excuses! That's who I want to be when I grow up! CAN DO lady, living life with no excuses!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! 82. That is crazy! I am shocked, What a woman! I also want to be kicking at that age. Love that CAN DO attitude! I guess this shows that it can be done.

Cami said...

Pretty impressive....off to stretch now :)