Last week I lost my brother. I'm truly grateful that I had the opportunity to have such a wonderful brother in my life. I have so many wonderful memories to sustain me at this time.
During a sleepless night, just prior to the funeral, I found comfort going to my computer, looking at pictures and videos from a visit I had with him last summer. My favorite pictures are he and I standing together, arm in arm. If you can't tell by the expression of on my face, I do adore him.

I love the picture below, as he was often laughing and joking. Seeing this picture makes me smile, and reminds me of his awesome sense of humor.

Sad as this time is for me, I'm grateful for the honor I had to be by his bedside during those last few days of his life. Emotionally they were tough, but I am so grateful for all the moments I could comfort him, hold his face in my hands and tell him that I loved him. He told me he loved me, surprised me with a sweet stroke of my face, in another moment, unexpectedly, and weakly lifted up his arms to hug me more than once. I will treasure these moments forever. I'm grateful for those last few days with him, hard as they were.
Bob, I love you. I'm so grateful I had such an extraordinary brother in my life. While I suffer from grief for myself right now, I know you are in a better place, happy and whole. Thank you for everything you did for me in life.
P. S. In the next day or two, I'll add a video I love, from that time; provided I can figure out how to edit it. So if anyone is still reading my blog (and counters seem to indicate no one is anymore check back here then.
Later note: I guess I won't be adding a video as it's been sooooo long since I learned how to do it in a class, that I've totally forgotten how! Maybe when I get time. Meanwhile, any family members that read this. If you want to see the videos I have of Bob, contact me and I'll send them to you.
This is such a sweet post about your brother. You are right, he was such a great guy and I remember the conversations I have had with him in the years gone by.
Ann, thanks for sharing that...I really enjoyed reading it. I hope that you are at home doing well and getting back into regular life :)
I'm back--now that school is over, with all of its end-of-the-year nonsense, I can get back to blogging (I've got several posts in my camera that I need to download still).
That was a great post about your brother--and I can tell by your great photos that he had a great spirit. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and your happy times with him. I'm so sorry for your loss, and hope that work, and service, time and good memories continue to help heal.
Ann, you had me in tears with this great post. What an amazing man he was.....and is.
This truely is a sad time for us and not him. What beautiful pictures you have.
Thank you SO much for all the service you rendered to my Mom and Dad both. You are so kind on so many levels....Thank you!!!
Hey I was about to go out and I just had a thought and wanted to post it.
If you had not changed your life, thoughts, and habits, you would not have the ability, strength, and energy to help as much as you did with my parents. you did so much for my dad that would not have been possible years ago.
What a blessing to be able to live in the now helping and giving service. What a blessing you are to others. Thanks
Just a thought.
Hi, Ann. It's been so long since I've blogged since April, but I just came across this one and I just about cried. It sounds like your brother was a wonderful person, inside and out. I'm so sorry for your loss and if you need anything, please let me know. You are right, though, he is in a better place and now he'll be watching over you to make sure that you live your life to the fullest. :)
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