LOOOOk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When reading my niece's blog a few weeks ago, she shared that she had printed her blog and posted a picture of her book. I checked out the Blog2Print website and found myself excited at the idea. The best part, my tax money had just come in, so I felt like I could splurge.
My book came in the mail this week. It's just like I designed it. I chose the cover to be green, since that's my favorite color. I chose pictures I wanted on the front of the book as well as the back of the book.
Here is the front of my book! This is a picture I took when I went to Cochlear Celebration in 2009! It represented a joyful time for me, so I chose it for the front. On a side note, the day after tomorrow, I'm taking off for Cochlear Celebration 2011! I'm so excited at the fun times I'm sure are ahead!
Yesterday I went and got my hair cut and a pedicure, in preparation for my trip. As I sat there being pampered, I started to read my book from the beginning. I was surprised at how much pleasure I got from this. I've had people tell me I'm funny, but I thought they were just easily amused. I guess I'm in that category of easily amused. I found myself laughing and giggling quite a bit as I was reading. The pedicurist and hair stylist must have thought I was nuts, reading a book adorned with me and laughing all the while. I guess I'm enjoying my new favorite author: ME!! :)
Quite some time ago, I lost my motivation to blog. Guess what? I have it back! I am just dying to print out another book from this little place on the internet that I inhabit! Feel free to check back in frequently and comment. If you like what I write, comment! I found that the comments from others are a big motivator for me. Come back often and throw some bread crumbs into the comment section! :)